what others are saying


My clients love to share their own success stories. Please contact me and we will work together to create your own.

Jodechi is one of a kind. I've worked with many therapists over the years but this time the therapy is actually working! Jodechi is "safe" and it doesnt matter what I tell her, I dont feel judged. I can tell that she cares and that is important to me. At the end of every session Jodechi gives me homework. (she never forgets the homework!) I often moan about it but I do it. And here is the interesting bit- this homework that I'm doing- its helping me to change- in a positive way. Slowly, quietly, I am getting better. I know it because I can feel it. Its not such a dark scary place in my head anymore. There is a light now in all of that darkness and the light is getting bigger and stronger. I cant explain it better than that.
I can’t begin to put into words the changes that have occurred in my life that have transformed my self worth and my self belief. Jodechi has enabled me to look inside myself and work out my strengths and deal with my weaknesses. Getting my self esteem back has been a work in progress. I believe it is Jodechi’s unique way of doing things and using all of who she is that has helped me so much. I know we did CBT and I know we did coaching but there were also so many things that I feel are uniquely Jodechi. She has an intuition about things which is truly extraordinary. At last I can see who I am and the direction I need to go in order to fulfil the endless possibilities that I have to choose from.
New York
Jodechi saved my marriage. Her down-to-earth approach to both my husband and myself and her refusal to take sides and her genuine desire to see our marriage survive- these are the reasons. My husband and I now have a “toolbox” that we will continue to use whenever we get stuck somewhere that we don’t want to be. Whenever I think of Jodechi, I smile. She has helped me, and us, beyond words. Thank you so much.
Jodechi is my hero. I don't say that lightly. I do know that I wouldn't still be here if she hadn't decided to take me and my problems on. It was during my first telephone session with her that I told her if she didn't help me, that I wouldn't make it and that I was actually considering ways to end my life. It has been a painful, difficult journey but life is much better now. I never told my wife how close I came to that dark place. I will likely tell her someday but not yet. Life looks different to me now. I can see the reasons to be here. For my wife and my kids but also just me, for me. Jodechi is really quite something. Laughter, love and so many tears.
Jodechi is so good at what she does and I can say that from experience as I tried four other therapists before finding Jodechi. She has now worked with me, my wife and both of my teenage children. We have all had our own sessions with her and really benefited from these. We think of her as an extended family member. She continued to see each of us in person at her clinic during all of the lockdowns which helped us in so many ways. Not sure how we would have survived as a family unit if she hadn't been there to help. We cant recommend her enough for all that she has done. The funny thing is- my teenagers keep asking to have a session with her and they dont even need to as they are both doing so well! Just makes me smile. Thank you Jodechi!
Reigate, Surrey
After a few unsuccessful sessions with a counselor and one psychotherapist in London, I decided to give CBT therapy a go after a friend recommended Jodechi. As I guy, I found counseling immensely frustrating and soul-destroying, like talking to parrot that was repeating stuff back to me I had just said. I’ve found CBT refreshingly different – identifying where I have made mistakes at work or assumed the worse from the CEO’s comments. In short, I’ve been able to apply the tools I have learned from CBT and made immediate changes in my workplace and even finding a new way to communicate with my wife. Although I’m sure not ‘cured’ it is certainly a good start and looking forward to another session with Jodechi.
London, England

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